The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifted off at 7:03 p.m. from NASAâs Kennedy Space Center in Florida carrying Crew-10 members: NASA ...
Forecasters expect the thunderstorms to swamp the South and move toward the East Coast on Saturday night into Sunday.
A California jury Friday imposed a $50 million fine on Starbucks in the case of a delivery driver burned by a scalding cup of ...
A U.S. federal appeals court Friday lifted a block on the Trump administrationâs crackdown on diversity, equity and inclusion ...
The Vatican issued an update Saturday on the health of Pope Francis, who remains in Romeâs Gemelli hospital under the care of ...
Leaders from Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada met virtually to discuss a proposed ceasefire between Ukraine and ...
A Friday report by the United Nations says Iran is using advanced technology, including drones, facial recognition and a ...
Cuba has struggled with blackouts in recent months, including a nationwide one in December. Fridayâs power failure was the ...
áľáááľ ááá˘áľ 1 áá 2017 á.á. á áľáááľ áááᡠáŤááá áá´áá á¨ááľáłáá፠áŁáá፠ááá á áąá á áááľ áĽá¨á°áŁáŤ áážáá áááľ á áá á áŚáŽáá ááá ááá á¨ááłááá á ááˇáá ááł á¨áá
á ...
á¨áľááŤá ááá áááŤá á áľá°áłá°á á áľááŤá ááá á¨á°áá á¨áá áááľ á°á¨áľá á¨áá°áŤá ááááĽáąá áŁáá ááĽááľ á á¨áᢠá¨ááá ááááĽáľ áŁááŁá ááááŤáŁ âá¨ááŞáśáŞáŤ áľááááľ á˛áááľ áĽá á¨áľááŤá ...
á ááŤááá á áĽááł áĽá ááá°á áá° áłááááľ á¨á°áťáአ133 á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááŤá¨á 32áą áᏠáá° á ááŤá¸á ááááłá¸áá á¨áá ááłá áááľá´á áááżáᢠá ááŹá áááľ á¨ááĄáľ ááŤá¨á á áľá°áŤá¨áąá á¨á°á á ...
á ááľ á¨á˘áá˛áŤá áááľ á áŤáŁá˘ áĽáá°áᣠá¨á°ááá° áĽá á áááľ áááľ á áŤáŁá˘ ááłáŞáŤ áłáĽáᣠá¨áááľ á፠áĽá°áĽ á áᣠááľáĽ ááĽáˇá á¨á°áŁá ááá°áĽ ᣠâá´ááŹáľ á°ááŞáľâ á ááŁá á ááłáááᣠ...
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