Four soldiers from the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, are missing in Lithuania in a training area near Pabradė.
Despite the near-freezing rain in Fort Stewart, Georgia, where tank trails that are usually hardened and sturdy have become ...
While this is a new mission for the Raider Brigade and 3ID, it is the Army's fifth such rotation to the Republic of Korea. The rotations began in 2015 after the 2nd Infantry Division's last ...
(WSAV) — Additional soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID ... Approximately 200 Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade (3CAB) departed on Wednesday, March 5.
Through a clear blue sky, 3rd Infantry Division units rained steel and explosives on Fort Stewart’s impact area Tuesday morning. Along with the 18th Field Artillery Brigade at Fort Bragg, N.C., ...
Winn Army Community Hospital and the 3rd Infantry Division joined forces March 7 with a mass casualty exercise to validate medical readiness in providing life-saving care for the battlefield wounded.
By the numbers 200 soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade (3CAB) deployed on March 5. Approximately 400 ...
The HHC, Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) (3ID [M]) commander should request changes to the modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) removing all division and brigade EO personnel from ...
His active duty assignments included platoon leader, 1st Battalion, 15th Brigade (Germany):, 3rd Infantry Division Special Services officer and 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Sports Officer ...
Public Affairs Detachment Commander 2011 – 2013 El Paso, Texas & Kuwait City, Kuwait Public Affairs Officer, 4th Brigade, 1st Armored Div 2013 – 2014 El Paso, Texas Spokesperson, 3rd Infantry Division ...