But really they don't have any gospels that aren't full of blasphemy. There actually are only four authentic gospels. And this is obviously true because there are four corners of the universe and ...
Each of the four gospels depicts Jesus in a different way. These characterizations reflect the past experiences and the particular circumstances of their authors' communities. The historical ...
The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
Yet the majority of the early Church fathers thought that Matthew was the first of the four gospels to be written. A fragment from the work of Papias (c. 110 AD) states that Matthew was originally ...
In the 2nd-3rd Centuries there were attempts to work out which of the gospels should be read as scriptures. The four gospels of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - were already ...
The Death of Jesus: Four Gospel Accounts, is an online, self-paced mini-course written and narrated by Philip A. Cunningham, former Executive Director of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at ...
Answers to such questions help us better understand the gospel accounts of Jesus’s life and message. The four canonical gospels provide the most data we have for a biography of Jesus ...