Whale Watching Week means better views and nicer weather to see gray whales. However, gray whale calf numbers are at historic ...
The gray whales are on their annual migration path between breeding grounds in Mexico and feeding grounds off the coast of ...
"We could not confirm its size, but it doesn't look like a calf or juvenile. It looks more like an adult or sub-adult." ...
In the summer, adult whales feed at high latitudes (like ... grounds in the tropics -- without eating. For example, gray whales travel nearly 7000 miles between feeding grounds off Russia and ...
The good news is that adult gray whale numbers jumped to an estimated 19,260 in 2023-24, the most recent count, a 33% increase. However, not all the news is good. "The number of gray whale calves ...
Spring Whale Watching Week on the Oregon Coast offers one of the best chances to not only see one of nature’s most majestic animals, but to see them a bit closer. Gray whales make two annual ...