This video proves there's more than meets the eye for a woodpecker. It has one trick you'd never expect when it comes to ...
Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC), the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Science and Technology of China, caught the incredible act on camera ...
When competition for resources is fierce, being able to reach food that other animals cannot get to is a bonus. Possessing a foot-long tongue is a huge advantage and this is where the okapi excels.
Some animals have long tongues to help them eat. The giant anteater has the longest tongue for its size. It uses it to catch ants and termites. Tap to read in detail.
Bystander' mice attempt to revive unconscious companions, a new study reveals, suggesting our natural inclination to help others in need runs deep within our mammalian heritage.
Some have some pretty out-there adaptations to make this happen. For one, animal tongues can get pretty weird. Some are longer than the animal itself, some are as heavy as elephants, and some even ...