It flies between New Zealand and Alaska. At the top of the list is the arctic tern. It has been recorded migrating over 44,000 miles, flying from the Arctic to Antarctica. More from Science As far ...
The arctic tern may look small and delicate, but these magnificent sea birds migrate further than any other animal on the planet. In a 30-year lifetime, a single tern can fly the same distance as ...
MUMBAI: On Tuesday, Delhi-based architect Mohit Mehta flew down to Mumbai to meet a visitor returning to the country after 96 years: the Arctic Tern. The pelagic bird migrates yearly from Pole to ...
Even tiny birds fly halfway across the world. The Arctic Tern flies over 40,000 miles to find better food. It zigzags so it doesn’t have to fly into the wind. Migrating birds usually fly at a ...