As world badminton champions, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang have opted for a completely different route for their son by introducing him to tennis. This choice has sparked heated discussions online, with ...
according to Maine State Police Morgan Family The father of a New Jersey girl who died after an accident involving a badminton racket is remembering his daughter's dynamic personality. Lucy Morgan ...
A 6-year-old girl has died after her brother’s badminton racket broke and a piece of it struck her in the skull. New Jersey native Lucy Morgan was on a family vacation in Maine on June 1 when ...
Lin Dan's reflections on parenting reveal a deep-seated desire for Xiao Yu to avoid the grueling rigors of badminton training. He hopes his son will disco ...
“Some people get involved in sports to have fun or stay healthy. But for me, badminton is a family tradition,” says 17-year-old Christy Pang. Her grandparents once coached the Chinese national ...
Actor and singer Elijah Canlas and his family hold the JM Canlas Badminton Cup to help raise funds for their NGO which ...
And professional singles shuttler Lee Zii Jia agreed with the old saying and yesterday, he underlined the importance of family in his badminton career and his chase for Olympic Games glory by ...
"I cannot say that we are welcoming Yonex to the badminton family, as they have long been a vital part of it, but I can certainly say we are very pleased to bring them even closer to us through ...