One of these little but fierce wild cats is Naia, a member of a rare African wild cat species called the black-footed cats.
There are concerns about public safety. Woman hit with massive fine for operating illegal scheme with wild animals: 'Rarely ...
A female serval cat is the latest arrival at Dartmoor Zoo and is joining a male which was rescued. Sabra has just moved to ...
Britons may be used to seeing neighbourhood cats strolling around quiet streets or coming across foxes darting from one alley into another in bustling cities. But soon, those living in the UK ...
Cornish Lynx On Path To Be Set Free Into The Wild. A lynx kitten born at Newquay Zoo in Cornwall is on course to become one of Europe’s first wild lynx in hundreds of years. The British zoo-bred wild ...
If you’ve just finished watching the BBC series Big Cats, I’ll bet you’ve come away thinking how utterly cute and adorable all wild cats are and especially the smaller ones. After all ...