A council is applying to the government for powers to charge companies up to £2,500 a day for works on key roads, so they get ...
Comments on planning applications will be hidden from the public following a data breach, Buckinghamshire Council has said.
The Conservative leader of Bucks Council has said his party protects the vulnerable and gives residents great services.
A $1-billion spending cut may end funding for two programs that help purchase food from farmers for children and food pantries across the country.
Buckinghamshire Council has pinpointed crucial local issues for consideration in the next phases of the East West Rail (EWR) infrastructure project ...
Buckinghamshire Council has made a series of decisions to boost skills, economic growth, and digital connectivity ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced last week it was cutting two programs that provide a total of $1 billion in ...
Bucks Council has announced, today, that it has secured an additional £24m funding to help construct a major Aylesbury link ...
Buckinghamshire Council has agreed to press ahead with a devolution deal to give it new powers over adult education and ...
A council is applying to the government for powers to charge companies up to £2,500 a day for works on key roads, so they get fixed more quickly. This would make Buckinghamshire Council one of ...