Mercy's new Fluid Management Clinic in Springfield is aiming to keep congestive heart failure patients out of the hospital with preventive care.
The activated neurohormones angiotensin II, aldosterone, and norepinephrine promote tubular sodium reabsorption, [11,12,13 ... sodium and fluid retention in patients with CHF.
Pleural effusion was independently linked to increased all-cause mortality in US veterans with CHF, cancer, and pneumonia.
or even "eye-balling" leads I and II at the bedside or the clinic examining table will be found very useful while managing patients with CHF. The issues of accuracy of patient weights and fluid ...
George Largent, a 76-year-old heart patient and retired college professor, said he was diagnosed with heart disease around ...
Abstract: Heart failure (HF) is the leading cause of hospitalization among ... It is estimated that 9 out of 10 of these admissions are preventable. Excessive fluid intake is a major contributor to ...