CDEL defaulted on coupon payments due between September 2019 and June 2020. On 28 July 2020, IDBI Trusteeship issued a ...
29 is National Coffee Day, there is no better day to talk about ... And it's likely that your local cafe still has an old-fashioned punch card so you can earn a free coffee after a certain number ...
This settlement reflects the company's dedication to reducing debt for itself and its subsidiaries, benefiting all ...
Coffee Day Global had faced a similar insolvency petition from IndusInd Bank, claiming default in payment of Rs94 crore. It was, howevt, mutually steeled. Founded in 1996 by VG Siddhartha ...
The repayment to the two debenture holders will be made in three tranches, including ₹55 crore from the sale of 12.41% of ...