Jackson Academy kicked off the day with a Mardi Gras celebration. The band brought energy to carpool, playing  Mardi Gras music as staff welcomed students to school. Joining in the celebration were ...
EVs may no longer get free access to the carpool lane after September. Here's why that may end up being a good thing.
The completion of the Highway 101 widening project this summer presents a new problem: synching the traffic flow.
The clock is running out on California's clean air vehicle decal program that allows EVs to travel in the carpool lane ...
To encourage adoption of new technologies, the decal program incentivized California's high-occupancy vehicle lane.
One of California’s most valuable clean vehicle incentives is in trouble, and federal lawmakers haven’t taken action.
FWA said that in order to accommodate the increase during the spring break season, they are making changes to their parking ...