Scratching is a perfectly natural behavior for cats but it’s not so nice when it’s your precious furniture that’s taking the brunt of their sharp claws. Fortunately, for everyone involved, you don’t ...
Scratching is a natural feline behavior. Cats scratch to stretch, keep their claws in good shape for climbing and hunting, and mark their territory with scents and visible signs, says Dr. Maggie ...
Should you be allowed to remove your cat's claws? A new bill at the Capitol would take that choice out of your hands.
A cat engaging its claws isn’t necessarily a sign of aggression ... Welborn suggests verbal praise and providing treats when they scratch the right surfaces. “Negative reinforcement—yelling ...
Dancing on Ice contestant Sam Aston trained his pet cat to scratch people's ankles when he ... ham in our socks to try and train the cat to claw people's ankles!" That cat must've had one hell ...