Very little is known about the ecology and behavior of the rusty-spotted cat in the wild. Captive ones are mostly nocturnal.
Watch as we rescue a helpless kitten and build a beautiful cat resort deep in the forest! Using natural materials and primitive techniques, we create a safe and cozy jungle paradise for our furry ...
In a national park near India’s easternmost border, an “elusive” feline with “unusually large” teeth stalked through the dark ...
The Siberian Forest Cat is the ultimate survivor, having honed its instincts in the harsh, freezing forests of Russia. Happily, for lovers of this friendly, interactive, and affectionate breed ...
Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan has captured its first photographic evidence of a caracal, a rare wild cat, marking ...
Aggie the cat disappeared during the raging forest fires in Los Angeles. Her chances of survival seemed slim, but then a small miracle took place! | TAG24 ...
the bobcat was captured on Feb. 10 on one of the forest preserve's trail cameras. Bobcats are native to Ohio, and one of seven wild cat species in North America, according to the Ohio Department ...
The Emerging Conservationist award is part of the biennial Indianapolis Prize and recognizes an early-career conservationist under the age of 40 ...
Dehradun: A 55-year-old woman from Jamun village located near Kalagarh Tiger Reserve was mauled to death by a big cat on ...
The home range of fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus), found in parts of South and Southeast Asia, could be more expansive ...
Six cat breeds, including Ragdolls, Persians, Maine Coons, Birmans, Siberian Forest Cats, and Himalayan Cats, have the softest fur and are known for t ...