Clay objects roughly the size of fingers were discovered during a dig at the ancient city of Umm el-Marra. The engraved symbols may be part of the earliest known alphabet. Disclaimer: AAAS and ...
When teaching others the process of making clay objects, they emphasize being OK with making mistakes. “As long as you allow ...
Yuriy Sulikovsky contributed to the Flame vases, which are wood-fired at hyper-scalding temperatures for so many hours that smoke and ash interact with the clay, producing streaks and dapples. Dmytro ...
The gallery’s latest artist in residence presents ‘The Enchanted Orchid’, a collection of clay objects. The intriguing collection is Lim's a playful take on Chinese mythology merged with 18th century ...
Clay pipes were ubiquitous in the earlier centuries and can be seen in many photos of sailors prior to 1900. They would be included with rations as sundry items and discarded overboard routinely.
Discovered in Baldock and made from moulded clay. Masks like this have been found throughout Europe, particularly in Germany. Archaeologists used to think that masks like this were something to do ...