A Swedish startup has unveiled a robot dog which uses a new approach to AI, mimicking a biological nervous system.
A European startup unveils Luna, a robot dog with a digital nervous system that learns like animals, guided by a dog trainer, not AI models.
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said ...
To experiment with different approaches, [James Bruton] built robot dog test platform and is playing with “dynamic compliant simulated springs“, or in other words, using the motors to act as ...
[Sergii] has been learning about robot simulation and wrote up a basic simulator for a robodog platform: the Unitree A1. It only took about 800 lines of code to do so, which probably makes it a ...
YouTuber Zac Alsop entered a robot dog in a real dog competition. The robot dog is named Roobot, punningly named after Alsop's real dog, Roo. Roo is not a fan of his robot doppelganger ...
Boston Dynamics and its Robotics and AI Institute partner are working on making the robot dog faster by integrating a low-level application programming interface (API) that gives direct control ...
Hangzhou-based startup Mirror Me and researchers at Zhejiang University took inspiration from the paws and joints of big cats and jerboas to create the high-speed mobility of the Black Panther 2.0 ...
In a historic demonstration at the state Capitol, Assemblyman Clyde Vanel and Boston Dynamics are set to showcase Spot, the robot dog, ...