Including simple techniques and precautions that help the ears adjust more easily to pressure changes, read on to find out.
This tissue becomes thinner and less effective at maintaining the proper chemical balance needed for optimal hair cell function, further contributing to hearing decline. While inner ear changes ...
Although physicists have a general road map of how the ear functions and communicates with the brain, researchers still don’t have a complete picture. In comparison, physicists better understand the ...
Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a substance naturally produced by glands in the ear canal. It serves critical functions: Trapping dust, dirt, bacteria, bugs (really!) and other foreign ...
Ultimately, hearing tests can help you not just check how your ears function and also protect them and your quality of life. 5 signs you need a hearing test If you're due for a hearing test ...
One of the most common reasons for tinnitus is exposure to loud sounds. If you’ve ever left a concert or a noisy event and noticed a ringing in your ears afterward, that’s temporary tinnitus. But ...
"OCT lets us look down the ear canal, through the eardrum and bone ... But in mice with genetic hearing loss, cochlear function increased, indicating that the brain was enhancing the cochlea's ...
Corresponding eye movements are recorded via ENG/VNG methods to assess inner ear function. Rotational chair examination allows testing at higher frequencies than standard ENG/VNG assessments and ...
Hearing impairment affects millions globally, with genetics playing a major role in infant hearing loss. Early screening and genetic testing are cruci ...
NeuroQuiet is a hearing health support created by combining groundbreaking research and techniques to produce a natural ...