Franz Kafka is one of the best-known German-language ... his family and suffered throughout his life at the hands of his father in particular, who would have preferred his son to be a businessman ...
Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
and the literal big father, Mr. Hermann Kafka, who made so much noise in the family apartment that it drove Franz into fits of rage-which only fueled the desperation we see on display so ...
Kafka’s father, Hermann, had been running his shop and warehouses on the ground floor of the House of the Three Kings (sometimes called U Tří královen (House of the Three Queens)) since 1887. It still ...
The titles of the books on Gregor Samsa’s desk are the same that Franz Kafka himself was reading at that time,” adds Jankovský. The spiritual father of virtual reality “VRwandlung” is complemented by ...