Morel’s are mother nature’s proof that she ... I could make an entire meal out of them….add them to eggs, grill them up on the grill, fry ’em up, slice ’em thin and add to stir fry ...
Like nearly all wild mushrooms, morels require specific conditions to grow. Morels can be found throughout all of Michigan.
The Lazy Gastronome treats us to some flavors of the Pacific Northwest like Walla Walla onions and fresh morels in her ...
Morel mushrooms have become a springtime delicacy in Michigan. Michigan's Department of Natural Resources calls the month of May 'Morel Month.' The actual fruiting period of morel mushrooms is ...
With spring right around the corner, Michigan's morel enthusiasts soon will be heading into the woods to search for the tasty mushrooms. Like nearly all wild mushrooms, morels require specific ...