In the U.S. 42 species of birds have low and steeply declining populations that put them on the brink of disaster, scientists ...
The striking rose-breasted grosbeak is a common bird of wooded habitats across much of eastern and midwestern North America. Singing from the canopy of a deciduous forest, even a brightly colored ...
The handsome black-headed grosbeak is the western counterpart to ... American subspecies are poorly differentiated; the coastal birds have shorter wings, smaller bills, and a tawnier supercilium ...
Windsor-Essex broke 52 records for local bird sightings last year. There was a high count of pelicans and a first nesting ...
evening grosbeak, gray crowned rosy-finch, Steller’s jay, Cassin’s finch, Canadian jay and the black-billed magpie have advantageous diets since they are either omnivores or they rely on seeds, which ...
Fifty-seven songbirds were rescued after the arrest of a South Florida man following a year-long investigation.
More than five years after a landmark study revealed a staggering decline in North American bird populations, a new report ...
Canada’s ‘Bird Series’ banknotes, issued between 1986 and 1991, beautifully merged currency with the nation’s rich avian ...
There are few birds that can brighten up Sightings like a handsome male evening grosbeak. This stocky robin-sized bird is ...