When Jesus enters the house, Mary sees that God is present, that they are in the presence of love. So Mary drops everything ...
The story found in Luke 10 of Martha and Mary—where Martha is doing service and Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet and Martha complains—is a different story by a different gospel author. So many women ...
Alabama had a song years ago that reminds me of a story from Jesus life. The song says, “I’m in a hurry to get things done, oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun. All I really gotta ...
I’ve been thinking about these words a lot lately. If Jesus is an all-knowing and all-powerful God, then what could possibly cause him to cry? Doesn’t it ...
Von Carolsfeld provided the model for the first scene, when Jesus visits his friends for dinner – two sisters named Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. In the Gospel of Luke, Christ ...