Kathrine won her first national title this summer in the over-70 women’s mile at Whanganui’s legendary Cooks Garden track.
The first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon 57 years ago, Kathrine speaks proudly of her New Zealand citizenship.
After being told that "no woman could ever run the Boston Marathon", Kathrine Switzer broke boundaries to become the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as an officially registered competitor.
1967: The First Woman Officially Runs The Boston Marathon Kathrine Switzer made her mark on women’s history by becoming the first woman to officially run in the Boston Marathon in 1967.
Kathrine Switzer ran not with the intention of becoming a pioneer in the sport, but to prove to her Syracuse University coach that women could run 26.2 miles This advertisement has not loaded yet ...
In 1967, Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. Her bib number, 261, is now a source of inspiration for women around the world.
How Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon in 1967 Read more ...