Longview Early Edition Rotary will be hosting a fish-in for kids at Martin's Dock at Lake Sacajawea. The event, broken into ...
After nearly a week of unknowns, the family of missing Longview resident Davis A. Long is asking anyone with tips or ...
First United Methodist Church in downtown Longview will celebrate an ending and a beginning at noon Sunday following that ...
After a high school counselor discouraged her from pursing an education career, then finances stood in her way, this Longview ...
Nearly 45 years after Mount St. Helens' eruption sent almost 90 billion cubic feet of debris into the upper Toutle Valley, ...
Local history comes alive again at Little Island Creamery when local historian and author Janine Klint Davidson presents the “History of Ocean Beach Highway.” Hundreds of vehicles travel the route ...
Police said Traveon Woodberry Jr., 20, of Longview, was charged with aggravated assault against a public servant, evading ...
This year’s Cowlitz River recreational smelt dip-fishing season kicked off Wednesday almost totally without its two most important elements: smelt and people dipping for them.