Vladimir Putin wants a sit-down with Donald Trump as equals in which they divide the world into spheres of influence.
“War,” the latest of his highly sourced Washington insider accounts, made news with its allegations that Donald Trump had been in frequent contact with Russian leader Vladimir Putin even while ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remarks came during an international ... explicit photos of former and soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump, a onetime model, while its hosts openly smirked.
President Putin said that he wants to meet with me as soon as possible,” Trump said during his remarks at Turning Point’s ...
Of all President-elect Donald Trump’s relationships with world ... in less than two months – that with Russian President Vladimir Putin may be the most consequential, and the most fraught.
Of all President-elect Donald Trump’s relationships with world leaders — which are coming into sharper focus as he prepares to take office again in less than two months — that with Russian President ...
In the other, Russian President Vladimir Putin, an astute ... Russian state television anchors aired nude pictures of Melania Trump just days after the election, smirking as they discussed ...