A gathering to mark the “Festival of Lights” lit up Fifth Street on Tuesday as dozens gathered to light a menorah and catch gelt from Loveland Fire Rescue Authority’s tower crane engine.
November 28 is the first of Hanukkah this year. To mark the start of the holiday, here are some events, as well as public ...
"Chabad of Maine" held a menorah lighting ceremony on Monday. At the Hall of Flags in Augusta, a candle was lit to represent each day of Hanukkah so far, which started on the same day as Christmas ...
The movement’s rabbis organized what it said were more than 15,000 public menorah lightings last year, including what its teen network said was the first-ever Hanukkah candle lighting at an NFL ...
It took three attempts — with the crowd’s encouraging laughter — but Monday night marked the first time a Lehigh University president helped light a menorah to mark Hanukkah. About 100 ...
Holding it, he noted that the menorah used in the official lighting had been given to him by Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, during his inauguration last year in Buenos Aires when he ...
With G-d’s help, we will continue to share the menorah’s light for many years to come!" Rabbi Yaffe said when people try to extinguish the light, they will increase their efforts to spread it.
As part of the ceremony, the organization will ignite a 9ft Hanukkah menorah, erected at Niagara Square. The lighting will be followed by a community-wide celebration. The menorah-lighting ...
The first Menorah candle was lit outside the California state capitol building on Dec. 25 as the Sacramento Jewish Community officially marked the beginning of Hanukkah. Community members gathered ...
An exhibit at Yeshiva University sheds light on the question ... Vatican actually had the ancient Jewish relics, including the menorah, or seven-branched candelabrum, at the center of the Chanukah ...