Microinsurance is growing because borrowers need to insure assets such as farming equipment that they purchase with microcredit. In fact, MFIs are as important in providing savings vehicles and ...
Who is the target population for a microcredit intervention? Your answer will depend largely on where you sit: Academics and microfinance institutions will be interested in different groups of people.
In its modern form microfinance, also known as microcredit, dates from the 1970s. The most celebrated institution is still the Grameen Bank ('Bank of the Villages'), which began in Bangladesh in 1976.
Given that 80 percent of microfinance institutions’ poorest clients are women who live on less than $1.25 a day, according to the State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2012, microfinance ...
The UN proclaimed 2005 the “International Year of Microcredit” and the following year Muhammad Yunus – who once famously predicted that microfinance would relegate poverty to museums ...
Launched in April 2009 and linked to the MAXIS program, Bank Andara was created by an investor group led by Mercy Corps to form a wholesale bank that would provide a range of banking products and ...