As ships in the harbor sank, men threw themselves into water poisoned by the Harvey’s secret cargo: 2,000 mustard gas bombs. Sailors were drenched in liquid mustard gas, or sulfur mustard, which ...
The SS Richard Montgomery sank in the Thames Estuary near Sheerness, Kent, in August 1944, taking some 1,400 tons of American bombs to the bottom. But Southend councillor Stephen Aylen fears that ...
This was both mustard gas bombs and artillery shells using an arsenic gas. Military history during the Fascist period in Italy has been and remains a touchy issue. For example, an excellent two volume ...
Most effective was mustard gas dropped in bombs or sprayed from airplanes. Also effective was the mustard agent in powdered form, which was spread on the ground. The Japanese invasion of China ...
The Human Rights Watch’s report that a Soviet bomb was used in an alleged chemical ... in the OPCW mission’s report that sulphur mustard gas was used in the Syrian village of Maarat Umm ...