But both human and animal moms come in all forms of amazing—even when the baddies are elderly kindergarten teachers. Here are five other examples of wild moms teaching, protecting, and accepting ...
In the animal kingdom, dads don’t often stand out for their role as parent, mentor, and friend. But some are doing their part to change that reputation. Just like human fathers, animal dads can ...
Here are a few ideas to steer your pack in the right direction. Stories of animals behaving "kindly" can show kids they can also get along with anyone. Elephants that comfort friends, benevolent ...
Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere else on Earth. Lemurs may have floated there eons ago on “rafts” of vegetation and evolved in ...
Today he treks into the wild to teach others about anacondas, crocodiles, and other amazing animals. He's the host of the kids' video series Fearless Adventures With Jack Randall. Read on for ...