MÜNCHEN (COMPUTERWOCHE) – Die AOL-Tochter (America Online) Netscape will “im Frühjahr” die lang erwartete neue Version ihres Internet-Clients “Communicator” veröffentlichen, der die Versionsnummer 6.0 ...
Soon after its introduction in 1994, Navigator, or just plain "Netscape," as it was commonly called, quickly became the leading browser on the Web. As of Version 6.0, the Navigator name was ...
Nichts mehr verpassen! Erhalte eine Push-Benachrichtigung (oder einen Newsletter) bei Erscheinen neuer Tests und Berichte: Jetzt anmelden! Warum Werbebanner? ComputerBase berichtet unabhängig und ...
With the help of former Silicon Graphics founder Jim Clark, he created Mosaic Communications Corporation, which was later renamed Netscape Communications Corporation after the NCSA objected to the ...
Also called a "Web-safe palette," it was selected by Netscape in the early days of the ... The 256 colors were divided by 6, yielding hex 00, 33, 66, 99, CC and FF, and any combination of R ...
Der Internet-Browser Netscape schrieb Geschichte, seine Entwickler waren die ersten Stars der Dotcom-Blase – doch jetzt beerdigt AOL Time Warner die Kult-Software. Mit dem Ende der Marke ...