In a groundbreaking study, researchers used NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft to measure this faint glow. Led by Marc Postman from the Space Telescope Science Institute, the team sought to answer a ...
The New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to fly by the most distant Solar System object ever visited, a large rock in the Kuiper belt known as Ultima Thule, at right around midnight, eastern time.
We know about Pluto. But we don’t really know it. That will change on July 14, when NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to fly within 8,000 miles of the frozen dwarf. It’s a risky ...
The science team behind NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft today released the first 3-D image of an icy object more than 4 billion miles from Earth, and the variations… Read More LAUREL ...
NASA has given a new lease of life to its New Horizons mission, which in 2015 got the first-ever close-ups images of dwarf planet Pluto. Thought to be a target for cost savings, according to Space ...
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has been speeding through space since early 2006 and it’s about to make what might be its most interesting flyby to date. After speeding past Jupiter and Pluto ...
Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there. We need a pick-me-up. Amid the vandalizing of Palmyra, the imminent extinction of the northern white rhino, the disarray ...
The science team behind NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft today released the first 3-D image of an icy object more than 4 billion miles from Earth, and the variations… Read More LAUREL ...