First off, you'll want to unlock all 17 minions by spending Yo-kai medals, which you get by completing FATEs with the event's Yo-kai watch equipped ... and there's even a new set of adventure ...
When the evil Yo-Kai Kin, Gin, and Do steal the Yo-Kai Watch from Keita one night so they can help their master Tokio Ubaune prevent humans and Yo-Kai from being friends, Keita finds help in the ...
Yo-kai Watch♪ the Movie: How Nate and I Met Nyan!♪ M-Me Too~♪♪ ...
Yo-kai Watch♪ the Movie: How Nate and I Met Nyan!♪ M-Me Too~♪♪ Yo-kai Watch: The Movie - The Great King Enma and the Five Tales, Meow!