NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has announced the temporary closure of the Norwottuck Rail Trail crossing at Damon Road in Northampton.
BELCHERTOWN — Belchertown is the most recent community to endorse the completion of the 104-mile Mass Central Rail Trail that runs through 26 communities across the state. At its Feb. 24 meeting ...
If you had to pick one geological formation to represent you and fellow Smithies, what would it be and why? Mount Norwottuck! I hiked Norwottuck with a few friends in November and it quickly became ...
The town anticipates having $9.46 million in capital expenses, with $6.76 million in so-called “cash capital,” based on 10.5% of the fiscal year 2025 base levy. Of these expenses, though, $2.1 ...