An octopus cooked just right is perfectly tender and flavorful enough to be served on its own or alongside salads, potatoes, or greens. However, cooking octopus isn't always smooth sailing ...
Join us in our quest to cook a delicious dinner using an intimidating ingredient - octopus. Our conclusion? Cooking tasty, tender octopus is way easier than we excpected. We suspect you'll feel ...
After pre-cooking, grill or stew the octopus until tender. Rice with octopus is a popular fried dish from Portugal, or try stewing it in Elizabeth David's Genoese fish stew or burrida.
Small baby octopus - about 5cm long - aren't easy to find fresh. You'll probably have to buy frozen ones. Don't try substituting large octopus for this dish - it's too tough. If you can't find ...