If you're looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, then you can't go wrong with the peace lily. These popular houseplants ...
If your peace lily houseplant is sitting pretty with green foliage, now is the time to encourage the plant to flower.
A peace lily owner has taken to social media to share before and after photos of her once "dying", but now "thriving" ...
A peace lily owner has shared the simple trick she uses to encourage her houseplant to flower - it also keeps the plant happy ...
but that doesn’t mean getting them to bloom is a complete piece of cake. Keeping a peace lily alive doesn’t take much effort – they don’t mind dry soil, and will be happy in most light ...
"Regardless of its natural flowering season, with enough light, you can get your peace lily plant to bloom indoors any time of year." Light plays a crucial role in getting a peace lily to bloom.
In high light, they’ll bloom off and on all year long and grow ... to test moisture levels every time before watering your peace lily. It’s fine to water your peace lily with a watering ...