A polar bear accidentally killed another polar bear as zoo visitors watched on in a tragic case of rough play. A necropsy has ...
The big polar bear was hiding out there in the thick Arctic fog. Illustration by Gil Cohen / OL This story, “The Arctic Nearly Killed Me — Twice,” appeared in the June 1977 issue of Outdoor Life. Tony ...
Czech cold-water swimmers have set a new world record for the largest polar bear dip. A total of 2,461 took part in the ...
Kali, the polar bear, yawns on Tuesday ... Kali was orphaned at 6 months old when his mother was killed by a hunter in Alaska in 2013. The hunter noticed that the mother had been nursing, and ...
It’s a big world out there, especially for polar bear cubs emerging from their dens. An international team of researchers observed these special first steps thanks to nearly a decade of camera ...
The footage was filmed in Svalbard, Norway, and published in a new study in the Journal of Wildlife Management on Feb. 27 — which is International Polar Bear Day, Polar Bears International said ...
No one wants to see a hungry polar bear, which is why these latest findings and videos of polar bear activity will help determine how industries in the Arctic can coexist without disturbing a ...