Some retired police and firefighters around Ohio said Thin Blue Line Benefits, a health insurance company, is charging them premiums but not paying their bills.
A Pennsylvania town’s ban on the display of the “Thin Blue Line” flag by on-duty, uniformed officers violates the First Amendment, the Third Circuit held Tuesday.
We started digging into a lawsuit and what we found wasn't just shocking, it was like something out of a Hollywood movie.
When not in his police uniform, Garcia would often be wearing his Thin Blue Line leather vest, with its blue and white insignia and a patch of the American flag. The Houston-based law ...
The Thin Blue Line badge worn by some Montreal police officers features a black and white Canadian flag with a horizontal blue line through it. It is similar to one featuring the U.S. flag, which ...
Here can be found all the problems that beset the modern police officer and Gasforth is no different from any other small station, just another part of the Thin Blue Line. The only difference being, ...