It’s available in two delivery options: prefilled syringes and SureClick autoinjectors. The prescribed Repatha dosage may vary depending on the condition it’s being used to treat. Always ...
Repatha can be administered either every two weeks or once monthly. It is available in three dosage forms: syringe, auto-injector, and on-body infusor. Each delivery device contains a single dose ...
Amgen's cholesterol-lowering antibody Repatha is being launched in Europe at well below the new drug's cost in the US, raising the chance that American payers will seek hefty discounts on the drug.
It’s not known whether Repatha (evolocumab) is safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. Certain factors may determine whether you should use the drug during this time. It’s not known ...
More than four years after Amgen’s cholesterol-lowering antibody Repatha was approved in the US, the company still can’t generate much sales momentum behind the product. Its latest gambit is ...