Mucus glands and muscular wall aid in laying egg. Birds lay relatively few eggs compared to other vertebrates. Reproduction among all mammals is similar, in that all have internal fertilization and ...
In this, our second edition of Reproduction in Mammals, we are responding to numerous requests for a more up-to-date and rather more detailed treatment of the subject. The first edition was accorded ...
You might think flowers don't have much choice about who they mate with, given they are rooted to the ground and can't move.
After sexual reproduction in mammals (including humans), the female grows her baby or babies inside her until they are developed enough to be born.
The convergence of multiple flu strains in one animal can allow new virus strains to form—just as they did in past pandemics.
This milestone opens the door to sexless reproduction in mammals, something that was thought impossible to achieve, and paved the way for possible experiments on humans. Cover of A Happy World by ...
Menstruation, while fundamental for human reproduction, remains a rarity in the animal kingdom. Why have some species evolved ...
You might think flowers don't have much choice about who they mate with, given they are rooted to the ground and can't ...
This oil spill could impair marine mammal reproduction in the Gulf for decades, as some orca whales that were exposed to the Exxon Valdez oil spill haven’t been able to reproduce since that spill in ...
River otters do not dig their own dens but may modify the unused burrows of other mammals. Otters also dwell in abandoned ... Hamilton, W.J., Jr. and W.R. Eadie. 1964. Reproduction in the otter (Lutra ...