Construction on a new salt and sand storage building at the Bartholomew County Highway Garage should be completed by the end ...
NORWOOD, New York (WWNY) - The weight of snow brought down a privately owned salt barn Monday morning in Norwood. The barn’s owner, Dale Earl of Earl Salt Service said the barn was empty ...
Local government officials say they are hoping the departure of the frigid arctic air that has subjected the region to ...
County officials took the next step in the process to build a new salt and sand storage building at the Bartholomew County Highway Department headquarters.
Oxfordshire County Council said the salt barn at Deddington highways depot, near Banbury, along with a new fleet of gritting vehicles, will help keep roads safe during the winter. It can hold ...
The Common Council’s city operations committee Tuesday continued talks on replacing the garage on North Barry Street and the ...
The town's salt barn can hold 4,000 tons of salt and on Tuesday had around 1,000 tons. Dussing said deliveries, which are around 35 tons each, have been slowly trickling in. They received a ...
"There is probably 100 tons there, not even. That’s about it," Christ said, noting that the salt barn, which typically holds about 5,000 tons, is nearly empty. "I usually keep it at 1,000 at ...