sat directly in front of the youngster who had partly removed his jacket while screaming at the top of his lungs. Though the child appeared to be standing next to his mother, the unknown woman ...
Footage from the scene shows dozens of children fleeing the hall screaming, as individuals at the back of the room can be seen raising weapons above their heads. One local resident told the ...
A man left children screaming in horror by pointing a gun in the middle of a Welsh street. Armed police were called after ...
"At first when I got out of the car I saw the dog. It was my sister who then started screaming. "I looked and saw the man at the side of the road. "It could've been all of us that were killed.
Children were said to be "screaming in sheer terror" after a van containing fireworks was deliberately torched in the middle of the night. A number of homes were evacuated and roads closed after ...