When Qualcomm cancelled its Snapdragon Dev Kit, it seemingly dashed the hopes of a small-form-factor desktop powered by a Snapdragon X Elite CPU. But don’t worry! Lenovo has stepped in with its ...
but powered by Windows and with Snapdragon. Lenovo says these PCs are aimed at professionals, creatives, and developers, and may even be a good alternative to Qualcomm's own canceled Developer Kit.
The tease comes after Qualcomm actually canceled a developer-focused $899 mini desktop PC called the “Snapdragon Dev Kit” back in October, citing the product failing to meet its standards for ...
But so far we haven’t seen any desktop computers with the chips unless you count the Snapdragon Dev Kit which was discontinued before it was even made widely available. And that makes the GEEKOM ...
Qualcomm revealed the Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows in August 2024, a mini PC designed for developers to help them test and port over apps to the Windows on Arm platform. The more software coded ...
Most major PC makers have released laptops with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X processors in the last half year or so. But so far we ...