US hardiness zone 7 is large and stretches over 28 states in total. It spans from Cape Cod, MA and covers parts of Virginia, ...
For colder climates, you should pick varieties that are specifically bred for cold tolerance. Dwarf Blue Curled and Winterbor ...
That’s why we’ve put together a simple guide to keeping your kale plants happy throughout the growing season, from sowing seeds successfully to planting out. Kale is most commonly started from ...
It might not feel like gardening season is knocking just yet, but experienced gardeners know better: late winter is prime ...
Winter sowing gives seeds the chilling period (stratification) they need to break dormancy and germinate. Seeds sown into ...
February is the perfect month for planting leeks indoors. They should be sown about 1cm deep and will need a temperature of ...
Vegetables. Sow kale seeds. I know, kale is disagreeable to a lot of people. Yet there are varieties with distinctive tastes and colors that make them worth a try. Chinese kale has the flavor of ...