Here's why ear wax has an odor, what causes extra-smelly ear wax, and how to deal with the stink, including when to see a doctor. To understand why ear wax naturally has a scent, it's helpful to ...
unpleasant odor from smelly ear wax may indicate an underlying health issue such as an infection, excessive buildup, or a more serious condition like cholesteatoma, according to audiologists.
But the truth is, your ears aren't as stink-free as you might think. Some of us have smelly ear wax, for one, and it's possible to get a bad smell behind your ears. Add piercings into the mix ...
As lipids break down, they release volatile compounds—the source of body odor. In people with dry ear wax, ABCC11 is non-functional; this starves some bacteria and greatly reduces the smell of sweat.
Many people use Q-Tips brand cotton swabs as tool to remove excess ear wax from inside the ear canal, but the Q-Tips box clearly says that the swabs should not be used for this purpose.
"Frequent use of in-ear devices, such as headphones, can push earwax deeper into the canal, preventing its natural movement out of the ear. Skin conditions around the ear and excessive hair in the ear ...
Prioritize ear health with expert guidance and proper care A strong, unpleasant odor from smelly ear wax may indicate an underlying health issue such as an infection, excessive buildup, or a more ...