A standing-room only crowd of close to 200 gathered at ISBI to listen to living sugarbeet history presented by four men with ...
It’s this technology — namely the genetically engineered seed that made sugar beets resistant to the Monsanto-produced weed-killer Roundup — that growers say is allowing them to sustain ...
Sugar beet growers are advised to take a proactive weed management approach to help manage the growing threat from ...
Albert Adjesiwor, University of Idaho Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor, said a pigweed, known as Palmer ...
KWS UK Ltd and Bayer  launched CONVISO® SMART to the UK market. The aim of this system was to transform sugar beet farming through a ...
You can't pull them out.” Besides cooperation from Mother Nature, a good sugar beet crop also requires fertilizer, irrigation, and weed and pest control. Advances in machinery and seed genetics ...
New technology can separate the fibers in the sugar beet pulp left over after sugar production. Part of the fiber can be used ...
Be sure to remove these as soon as the sun comes out again. Caring for sugar beets is not that difficult. Your plants will require consistent moisture during their growth, so just give them a good ...
British Sugar is celebrating a successful end to the sugar beet campaign in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, which this year celebrates its centenary ...
EAST GRAND FORKS, Minn. — American Crystal Sugar Company was fined $16,000 for violations at its East Grand Forks and ...
without a better option to control weeds, Montana could lose as much as 68 percent of its average annual yield, costing growers $43 million in lost revenue. And other states growing sugar beets ...