Red and yellow bananas both have the same name, but their appearances and tastes are quite different. Here's what to know ...
Yelloway One is a new variety of banana that's edible and resistant to some key fungal diseases. It could help save the world ...
Bananas, originating from ancient India over 5,000 years ago, spread globally thanks to figures like Alexander the Great and ...
Why not use them? Already in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines people eat tens of different varieties of bananas, all of which offer different tastes, smells and sizes.
The company is also working on developing bananas resistant to diseases which have already wiped out several varieties. Eyal Maori, Tropic’s chief scientific officer and co-founder, said ...
Agronomists warn that the reluctance to adopt new technologies is not only affecting farmers' livelihoods but is also ...
The effort is part of the organization's â€œCombating banana bunchy top virus in East Africa" project, created to develop a ...
Warm, humid climate and fertile soil make it suitable for banana cultivation. The state’s tropical weather ensures high banana yields throughout the year. Contributes significantly to the state ...