I went to Ukraine because I wanted to see for myself what the situation is. Not the war that people talk about, or the ...
Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, center, is taken into custody as his attorney, Eric Nelson, left, looks on ...
ITV News' Rachel Younger is in Tulkarem in the West Bank, speaking to families whose lives have been turned upside down by ...
After the acclaimed All Quiet on the Western Front, director Lewis Milestone made the underrated and forgotten A Walk in the ...
Ukrainian troops are reportedly making gains along three parts of the front as Russian forces face a manpower shortage and ...
Russian forces pushed hard against the territory controlled by Ukraine in Kursk, but troops are still holding on.
Voislav Torden, a commander in a Russian paramilitary group, was sentenced to life in prison for the attack and mutilation of ...
The front line inside Ukraine has become more static, Ukrainian soldiers say, even as Russia regains ground in its own Kursk ...