Kindness has the power to boost the physical and mental wellbeing of everyone involved – so why do we often associate it with weakness? Stylist investigates. If there’s one thing the world ...
In her new book, The Keys To Kindness, author, psychologist and broadcaster Claudia Hammond explores the true meaning of kindness – and presents us with the tools to bring more of it into our lives.
When a few passionate community members approached members of the Bexley City School District in Ohio with the idea of teaching kindness, they weren’t sure what form it would take, but they knew it ...
Kindness, empathy, and psychological safety at work are not just fluffy, hippie ideas. They are key drivers of outstanding performance. Kindness is a practice that requires strength, skill ...
It costs zero dollars to be kind. The power of kindness has been discussed for centuries. From ancient philosphers to modern musings from authors and actors, there is no shortage of wisdom on the ...
From a young age, we're often told to be kind – to other people and to ourselves – but it's not always that easy. When you're feeling stressed, upset or annoyed with friends and family it can ...
The Ohio State University research team, led by Dr. Jennifer Cheavens, is recruiting adult participants for a new study ...
What is kindness, and how can you be truly kind? The stars of Malory Towers tell us what kindness means to them, and give their top tips for being kind. Apologise and forgive: Apologising is ...