To fully develop your arms, you need to target the entire muscle group: the long and short heads of the biceps brachii, the brachialis (your elbow flexor), and the brachioradialis (forearm muscles).
Hammer curls are particularly effective at isolating this muscle. The second part of the biceps brachii, the short head originates at the top of the scapula and joins with the long head at the elbow.
If bigger, rounded biceps are your goal, it may be time to cut out the hammer curls from your arm workouts, as Mike Israetel, Ph.D., shared in a YouTube video yesterday. Israetel holds his doctorate ...
It mainly targets the biceps brachii, as well as the brachioradialis ... Using the cable machine for this curl variation ...
Introduction The biceps brachii muscle is the primary forearm supinator and a secondary elbow flexor. The pathophysiology of distal tendon ruptures is still unclear. Patients with chronic rupture ...