Jeopardy' champ James Holzhauer and 3,000 more bridge fanatics from all over the world are in Memphis for a bridge card-game ...
Organizers said they expect over 3,000 players from across the U.S. and around the globe, and many of them will stay at ...
The first hobby to be featured is Bridge Card Games, presented by the Duplicate Bridge Club of Bismarck. You can participate by meeting on the main floor of the library February 18 from 1-4 p.m ...
Goren Bridge by Bob Jones ...
Whatever East plays, South wins and returns a spade. East only holds one card higher than ♠QJ, and so declarer is assured an entry to the table — and all his winning club tricks.
Over West’s 4H bid, North should bid 5H. This must show a void in hearts, with four-card spade support or better. South, with A♣ and ♦KQ, should now bid 6C, or 6S. Over 3H, 4H is correct but ...