Arcola boss Mehmet Ergen’s staging is brisk and stripped-back but still features a cast of 17, the largest ever at this ...
The UK premiere stage adaptation of the Universal Pictures film runs until 12 April ...
Twenty-year-old Melanie Martinez's debut album Cry Baby tackles childhood themes but turns them into musical metaphors for darker feelings surrounding broken family and romantic relationships.
Baby” Walker is the coolest boy in Baltimore. He’s a bad boy with a good cause – truth, justice and the pursuit of rock and roll. Enter Allison, a strait-laced rich girl who trades her “Square” ...
Cry-Baby, The Musical: Bold and brash – though you pine for Johnny Depp Making its UK premiere, this adaptation of the cult 1990 movie has its faults but sweeps you along even so 3/5 ...
This is especially true of Cry-Baby himself. Depp, who leant into the kitschy vibe and managed to make the character edgy and sensitive, is an impossibly cool act to follow, but this musical seems ...
But Cry-Baby and its older sister Hairspray (1988, also notably turned into a musical) marked a shift from the confrontational to the affectionate in his oeuvre. There’s still sly spikiness just ...